NewMeyer & Dillion

Legal Services
Direct-to-Customer Marketing
Email Marketing

Email marketing is still a cornerstone of any comprehensive digital marketing strategy. There are three main aspects to email marketing:

First, we focus on user-centric copywriting, messaging, and offers. Oftentimes clients are interested in speaking about what they find most compelling about their product or service, and although there is nothing inherently wrong with this approach, it should be done in conjunction with the prospect's needs. The best copywriting is done when these two priorities are addressed harmoniously.

Second, we focus on keeping it simple. While it's difficult to write a compelling message in few words, it is also more valuable. Today’s audience may not give you the time of day if they see an email deemed to be too long. We specialize in creating emails that are effective and to the point.

Finally, we focus on testing and reporting. We let you know what is working and what is not in easy-to-read reports. Our transparent approach ensures we are always on the same page as our clients.
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Social Media Marketing

Here are several important considerations we focus on when we develop a social media marketing campaign for our clients to build their brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic:

  • Develop a proactive yet realistic promotions calendar.
  • Publish great and compelling content, listen to and respond to followers, use consistent design across all digital platforms, adhering to brand guidelines.
  • Measure and assess results for engagement and sales over the course of the campaign.

How do you get your prospects back to your website after they visit without converting?

Remarketing campaigns are designed to do just that. We recognize that, depending on your industry, it often takes a number of brand interactions before your prospects convert into a lead or sale.

After users visit your website, these remarketing ads can remind them of key reasons why they should give you another look. They appear across the internet wherever your prospects spend time online and contain a compelling reason for taking action.
Direct mail, print and event marketing

It is one thing to create and program a compelling website or produce beautiful print materials; it is quite another to develop direct response campaigns that achieve measurable results. When longtime client MEPS Real-Time looked to McAdams Group to lead their prospect generation initiative, we created a disruptive campaign that generated unprecedented results.

Weeks before the trade show, we sent a dimensional direct mail invitation that strongly appealed to their targeted audiences, while highlighting the product’s benefits clearly and concisely. Each recipient received an actual puzzle piece with an RFID tag attached. When attendees brought the piece to the booth, the tag was read by the Intelliguard® RFID system, and prizes were distributed. Our strategy nurtured a relationship with prospects through direct mail, the live event, and email follow-up. This strategy more than tripled the amount of leads received, compared to the previous year.
"McAdams Group has earned our trust as a reliable partner who always finds a smart solution for our creative and strategic needs."
- Valerie Fritz, Vice President of Marketing